
You can integrate Destiny with OverDrive®. Site administrators can override the district OverDrive configuration to limit the materials patrons have access to.

Before You Begin

Before you integrate Destiny with OverDrive, your Destiny Administrator must:

  1. Register the Destiny server as Production. See Server Identity.

    Important: If the server is set up as a Test server, you cannot access the OverDrive Integration.

  1. Generate a report of required fields (see instructions below).
  2. Contact OverDrive at 216.573.6886 for the information you need to complete the integration.

Integrate with OverDrive

  1. Complete all the steps in the Before You Begin section.
  2. Log in as the Destiny Administrator.
  3. Select Setup > Sites sub-tab.
  4. Find the district, and then click Edit icon..
  5. Find the OverDrive Integration section.
  6. Use the following table to complete your task(s):
    Integrate OverDrive
    1. Select the Enable OverDrive Integration checkbox.
    2. Read the agreement.
    3. To sign the agreement, enter your Name, and then click Sign.
    4. Click Save.
    5. Complete the Website ID, Authentication Name, Library ID (optional) and Advantage Collection ID (optional) fields with the information you received from OverDrive.


    • Advantage Collection IDs let you limit the materials that are imported to a site.
    • You can enter more than one Advantage ID, separated by a comma.
    1. Click Save.
    Note: To discontinue the OverDrive integration, deselect the Enable OverDrive® Integration checkbox. A message appears.
    Test that the integration was successful

    Click Test Connection.

    If the integration is unsuccessful, either go to https://marketplace.overdrive.com/ and complete a support form, or call 216.573.6886.

    Generate a report of the required fields

    Click Run Report.

    The report provides the information you need to share with OverDrive when requesting the integration.