Manage bookings (Follett Destiny® Media Manager)

How do I create and manage bookings?

From Bookings in Circulation, you can check out materials for immediate use, create bookings for future dates, or open the All Bookings list.

You can view information about the patrons requesting the bookings, and the titles and dates requested. You can also view and edit the bookings for each title.

To manage your existing bookings, click All Bookings to review the list.

How do I retrieve a patron record?

How do I book materials for immediate use?

How do I place a booking request for a future date?

How do I book multiple items at one time?

Where can I view the booking requests for a title?

How do I change the date range for a request?

How do I retrieve a patron record?

To retrieve a patron, scan the patron's barcode in the Find Patron box, or type it in and click Go!.

If you do not have the patron's barcode at hand, you may have one or more of the following options:

  • Search the database by entering the patron's first, middle, or last name, nickname, grade level, homeroom, user name, site name, a value in one of the User Defined fields, or a District ID.
    If you do not have the whole name or word, enter part of it, followed by *.
  • To search other schools from which you accept bookings, clear the Only my patrons check box.
  • To speed the search, select the Only search check box and select the field from the list.

Then, click Go!.

If a list appears, select the correct name.

Once Destiny® has found the patron, basic information about the patron appears.

The patron's Bookings section lists all the titles, the requested date range, and the status of this patron's bookings.

To change the date range for a booking, click Edit.

To delete a booking, click Delete.

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How do I book materials for immediate use?

After you have retrieved the patron, click Book Now.

After you have fulfilled a request, it appears in the Items Out section of the patron's Patron Status.

Please note that you cannot create a booking for multiple copies of a title in Book Now.

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How do I place a booking request for a future date?

After you have retrieved the patron, click Add Booking.

After you have placed the booking, it appears in the Bookings section of the patron's Patron Status page and on the All Bookings list where you can later add it to a pick list.

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How do I book multiple items at one time?

If you want to book multiple copies of a single title, after you have retrieved the patron, click Add Booking.

When you place the booking, you can specify the number of copies needed.

If you need to book a single copy of several different titles, add them to a Resource List in the Catalog, open the List, and select I want to Book my List at the top of the page. From there, you can identify the requesting patron and enter the date range for the booking.

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Where can I view the booking requests for a particular title?

You can access the Bookings for Title page (bookings queue) from either page:

  • From the All Bookings list, locate the title in any section, and then click View next to the date range.
  • From Copy Status, retrieve the copy by entering a barcode number or searching by title keyword.
    Then, click Bookings.

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How do I change the date range for a request?

Click Edit, either on the All Bookings list, or adjacent to the patron's name on the Bookings for Title page.

To clear the information on this page, click Reset on the side menu.

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