
Copy Categories let you group resources for many purposes, such as identifying genres, tracking vendors and funding sources, producing bibliographies and reading lists and promoting special collections.

Some ways you can use Copy Categories for catalog maintenance and reporting include:

  • Collection Statistics - Historical report: View circulation statistics by category during a specific timeframe (Library Manager and Media Manager only).

  • Barcode Labels and Spine/Pocket Labels: Print labels for just the copies in a specific category.
  • Export Titles: Export the contents of a specific category (Library Manager and Media Manager only).
  • Title & Copy List:
    • Limit the report to the titles in one or all categories. If you include all, the report groups the titles by category. If you include copies, you can include the category names and circulation statistics for each copy (Library Manager and Media Manager only).
    • Limit the report to the titles in a category (Textbook Manager only).
  • Resource Lists: Add the contents of a category to a Resource List to:

    • Publish or email a list.
    • Export records.
    • Create a bibliography or citation list (Library Manager and Media Manager only) .
    • Transfer textbooks (Textbook Manager only).


    • You can also add contents of a Resource List to a Copy Category.
    • Resource Lists help you manage title records and includes all their copies, while a Copy Category contains specific copies.