Web Sites Resource List

With a Web Sites Resource List, you can collect information about the web sites that interest you, view the content anytime, and edit and print a list of them. You can also use the list when researching for a classroom project or report.

If it is a Public List, you can open the websites, and view or print the List.

To add websites to a List

To add a website to your List, click Add to this List on the Web Sites tab of any Search Results list.

To remove websites from a List

To remove a website from your List, click Remove next to the website, or click Remove all at the bottom of the list to empty the list.


A citation is a brief description of the source of the information you are gathering.

If you need to cite the resources you use when doing homework or researching a paper, a List can help. When you add a website to your List, an MLA citation is automatically created using information from the resource. These citations make up the Citation List that you can print.

If some of the citations are not as accurate or as complete as you would like, click Citation next to the resource to update the information.

To print the List or a Citation List

If you want to print a List, you have these choices:

  • If you want a printout of the information in the Resource List, use the Printable option. It includes the website name, the grade levels that it is suitable for, a summary of its information, its main topic or subject, and the URL.
    To print this information, click Printable at the top of the page.
  • If you need an MLA-formatted citation list for a research paper, scroll to the bottom of the Resource List, and then click Go! next to Create Citation List.

Either list opens in a new browser window. To print the list, use your browser's Print option.

To save a List

If you logged in to the library or district media center, Destiny® saves your List for you, even if you log out.

You can also save your List as a text file: From the I want to list at the top of the page, select Save as text, and then click Go!.

If you did not log in, you need to print it out.

To email a List

If you need access to the information in your List outside of Destiny, you can email your List: From the I want to list, select Email this List, and then click Go!.

To create a new List

At times, you may want or need more than one List. For example, you may want one for the resources you are using for a research paper and another for a reference list for a class.

If Add list appears on the Resource Lists page or on a selected List page, you can add another List.