Default Hold Priority

When creating a patron type, use the drop-down to select the default hold priority. The hold priority helps determine who gets the first available copy of an item. Choose from:

  • Lowest
  • Low
  • Standard
  • High
  • Urgent

When you are placing a hold, you can change the default priority.

Choose from Lowest, Low, Standard, High, and Urgent. You can always change a priority when placing a hold.

When you check in a copy with a pending hold, the hold status changes to Ready and Destiny alerts you about the hold. This allows you to place the copy on the hold shelf so that it will not be reshelved. You can then tell or email the patron that the hold is ready.

You can print ready Hold Notices on the Library page of Reports.

If the patron does not pick up the copy in the time allotted, a ready hold expires. If a certain item is popular, a pending hold can expire before a copy becomes available.