Loan Period

A loan period is the amount of time a patron is allowed to keep library materials. Options are:

  • Days: The number of days a patron is allowed to keep library materials. How you set up the Calculate library loan periods based on... field (Admin > Site Configuration > Circulation sub-tab in the Library Options section) determines whether you enter calendar days or library open days.
  • Fixed: All items of this circulation type will be due on the Fixed Date you establish on the Patron Types tab.
  • Hours: Number of hours the patron can borrow the material. To use this option, you must select either None or Same Day for the Grace Period.
Note: If the due date would fall on a day that the library is closed, according to your Calendar, Destiny automatically increments the due date to the next open day.
Choose from Days, Fixed and Hours
  • Days: Select Days from the list, and enter the number of days that a patron is allowed to keep the library materials:
    • If you selected Admin > Site Configuration > Circulation sub-tab in the Library Options section, enter the number of calendar days.
    • If you selected Calculate library loan periods based on open days, enter the number of open days. To prevent patrons from checking out items of this Circulation Type, set the loan period to 0 (zero) Days.
  • Fixed: If you select Fixed, all items of this circulation type will be due on the Fixed Date you establish on the Patron Types tab.
  • Hours: Enter the number of hours, and select Hours from the list. Then, select None or Same Day from the Grace Period list.