Follett Textbook File Specifications

To be imported successfully into Textbook Manager, a textbook import file must be in the correct format. This topic provides detailed information about the file, the acceptable format, and the record and field contents.

File sources

Destiny Textbook Manager accepts an exported textbook file from Destiny Textbook Manager v5.x or later and TextLink v4.x.

If you prefer to create your own file or edit a text file using a text editor, this topic explains the formatting details for a textbook import file. You can create the file with any text editor, such as Notepad or Simple Text. Do not use Microsoft® Word or Apple TextEdit. Hidden characters created by these programs can cause the upload to fail.

Note: This information is provided to help you, your technical personnel, or your textbook vendor prepare a textbook file for import into Destiny. If you do not have experience creating or editing comma-delimited text files, you might want to seek additional assistance.

File requirements

Textbook Manager does not accept a textbook import file in the MARC21 format.

The textbook import file format is flat ASCII text, and is comma-delimited.

The file consists of a header record, records for each main title (ME), teacher's edition (TE), and/or resource kit (KIT), and records for each copy. Copy records must immediately follow their title record in the file. Teacher's editions or kits must immediately follow their main title or the main title's copies.

The file must meet the following requirements:

  • The file must have one header record.
  • Each title or copy record takes up one line of the file.
  • Each record must end with a hard return (CR/LF).
  • With the exception of the Header Identifier and Record Identifier, string (text) fields in the record must be surrounded by quotation marks (for example, "Algebra").
  • Quotation marks must be straight quotes, not curly or "smart quotes".
  • Numbers, including dates, are the actual numeric value. Do not surround numbers with quotation marks.
  • Each field is separated from the one after it by a comma.

Before you begin

Import Textbooks performs several checks when importing your file. To ensure a successful import, be aware of the following actions that Import Textbooks takes:

  • It checks the maximum length of each field.
    Any field larger than the maximum length is truncated when imported.
  • It deletes any trailing spaces in string fields. It does not delete leading spaces.
  • It applies date-field checking. Years must be between 1900 and 2037.
  • It generates a line in the job summary for any record that is invalid, listing the textbook title
    (if possible) and a brief error message.

Header record

The first line in the import file must be a header line. It is a file identifier.

Every field, listed the following table, must exist in the header. If the header contains any more or less than seven fields, or if any field in the header exceeds the maximum length, the header is invalid.

Header examples

The following example of a file header indicates that the file contains textbooks for Dunlop Elementary School for import into Destiny 9.8 and was made on Sept. 14, 2010 (20100914).

HEADER,"Dunlop Elementary School","Destiny Textbooks","9.70",20100914,1,"Y",¶

The smallest valid header would be:


Title records

For a successful import, make sure to conform to the following requirements:

  • Each main edition, teacher's edition, or kit must have a title record, followed by its copy records (if any).
  • Records for teacher's editions or kits must immediately follow their main title or its copies.
  • Except for the first field (the Record Identifier) in the record, string fields must be surrounded by quotation marks.
  • Records must contain the first 21 fields.
  • Records cannot contain more than 27 fields.
  • Fields in bold must contain values.

Title record examples

Copy records

Copy records are optional. If included, they must immediately follow the title record to which they belong. For a successful import, make sure to conform to the following requirements:

  • Records must contain the first eight fields.
  • Fields in bold must contain values.
  • Except for the first field (Record identifier) in the record, string fields must be surrounded by quotation marks.
  • Copy barcode numbers, of any symbology, cannot be longer than 14 characters.
  • A single import file cannot contain copy records for multiple schools. Separate files must be created for each school.

Copy record examples

File example