Textbook Groups (textbook associations)

If you manage your class textbooks by uploading a Textbook Associations XML file, an optional Group element was added to the XML file. A district textbook manager can create groups and add or remove textbooks accordingly.

To upload an XML file of textbook associations

  1. Create an XML file of records containing either of the following sets of information:
    • Class name, Class ID, Action (add or delete), Textbook title, ISBN, Group
    • Class name, Class ID, Action (add or delete), State/Textbook ID, Group
    • example The example code shows the new Group element in bold:
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <ClassName>Algebra 101</ClassName>
      <ID>MAT 4053</ID>
      <Textbook action="add">
      <Title>Beginning Algebra</Title>
      <Group>Main texts</Group>

  2. Log in to Destiny as a district manager.
  3. Select Admin > Update Classes > Upload Changes.
  4. In Upload changes... section, use the drop-down to select Textbook associations.
  5. Click Browse.
  6. Find and select your xml file.
  7. Click Update.
  8. To confirm, click Yes. The Job Manager appears. You can view a summary of your changes in the Textbook Association Upload job.