Global Check In (Textbook Manager)

The Global Check In tab only appears when there are checked out textbooks.

You can globally check in all copies owned by your school, whether barcoded, unbarcoded, or both. You can limit the checkin to one or more titles.

important You cannot check in consumables and unlimited copies (eTextbooks) from the Global Check In tab.

To globally check in textbooks

  1. If you are not in the Update Patrons > Global Check In page, then follow the steps in the blue bar with white letters (above).
  2. Select Unbarcoded Copies, Barcoded Copies, or both.
  3. From the Associated With drop-down, select accordingly.

important If you do not limit by title or ISBN, all checked-out items (barcoded, unbarcoded, or both, depending on the options selected) owned by this school are checked in.

  1. To limit checkins, select the With checkbox.
  2. From the drop-down, select accordingly (Title or ISBN).
  3. In the field, type the title or ISBN.
  4. Click Search.
  5. Find the title you want.

note The titles move to the Selected Titles list.

  1. Click Check In.
  2. If quantity is correct, click Yes. Repeat as needed.