Finalize an Inventory

You finalize inventory after all items are entered. To do so, you must have the Start new/finalize library inventory (for Library Manager) or Start new/finalize resource inventory (for Resource Manager) permission for all branches included in the inventory.

In Resource Manager, each site must finish a district-initiated inventory before the district can finalize it.

To finalize an inventory:

  1. Select Admin > Inventory.
  2. Click the appropriate sub-tab.
  3. In the <Product> Inventory drop-down, select the inventory you want to finalize.
  4. Click Finalize. A confirmation message validates that you want to finalize this inventory.
    Note: If you have Resource Manager and the inventory was started at the district, click Finished. When all sites are finished, the district then finalizes the inventory.

  1. Select the option for how you want to handle barcodes that are unaccounted-for:
    • Mark lost
    • Ignore them (do not process)
  2. Click Yes to finalize inventory.