Print a list of library copies in transit

If you are a district cataloger, you can provide your schools with a list of the copies you have created for them.

How do I create the list I need?

  1. Open Reports, then Library, and select In Transit Copies.
  2. Select the district or an individual library from the For list.
  3. Next to Shipped Date, enter the date range for the days that you added the copy records.
    Click the calendar icon for a calendar.
    • You can leave both boxes blank to include all the copies you have added.
    • If you leave the From box blank and enter a date in the to box, the list includes copies added before and on the date in the to box.
    • If you enter a date in the From box and leave the to box blank, the list includes copies added on that date and all those added after it.
    • If you enter the same date in both boxes, the list is limited to copies added on that one date.
  4. Click Run Report.
What information does the list include?

For each included title, the list includes the following information:

  • Control Number of the title (001 field of the MARC record)
  • Title (245_a and _b, up to 36 characters)
  • Standard number (the first one found in order of LCCN, ISBN, then ISSN)
  • Number of copies with a status of In Transit for the school
  • Date the copies were shipped to the school (the date that you added the records)
How is the list sorted?

The list is sorted first by Date Shipped, then by Title, then Control Number.

If the report is for the entire district, Destiny® starts a new page for each receiving school with the school name at the top.