Global Update (Resource Manager)—District

Global Update allows you to:

  • search for the resources that you have been given access to.
  • update resource information (important Global Update is dependent on changes to record items. If the only change is adding content to Add historical note, the update does not run because there are no changes to record items.
  • select branches of your resource type hierarchy when globally updating their resources.

To perform a Global Update

note: To perform a Global Update you must have a resource collection.

  1. If you are not in the Update Resources page | Global Update tab, follow the steps in the blue bar with white letters (above).
  2. From the For every list, select the branch or resource type you want to update.
  3. From the Whose list, make your selection accordingly, then in the is list, select what you want Destiny to find. The selections you make here determine the records that get updated in Destiny.
  4. From the Change list, select the name of the field that you want to change in the item records, then in the to list, select the new information for the field.
  5. Optional step If you want to add a note to the transaction history log, put your cursor in the Add historical note box and type your note (max of 120 characters).
  6. When you are ready to run the update, click Update. A confirmation message opens, select accordingly.
  7. If you selected Yes from the confirmation message, Job Manager opens. Click Refresh until the job status is Completed.
  8. To view the Job Summary, click View. To check the status of the job that is running, go to Admin > Job Manager.