Add a Patron Picture

When adding or editing patron records in Destiny, you can upload a patron picture. You can also have pictures appear in Circulation, Patron Status and Check Out By Homeroom.

important: The file format must be .jpeg, .jpg, .gif or .png, and cannot be zipped. Also, for optimal uploading, Follett recommends that the size of each image file be approximately 20 KB.

To add or update a patron picture:

  1. Select Admin > Manage Patrons.
  2. Enter the patron's name in the Find field.
  3. Select the search type in the drop-down.
  4. Click Search.
  5. If there is a list of names, click Edit for the patron you want.
  6. Click the Picture sub-tab.
  7. To navigate to the picture you want, click Browse and select the file. Its name appears in the New Image field.
  8. To preview the picture, in the Patron Picture section, click Preview.
  9. If the correct picture appears, click Save.

Display Patron Pictures

After you add patron pictures, you can have them appear in Circulation, Patron Status and Check Out By Homeroom.

  1. Select Admin > Site Configuration > Circulation sub-tab.
  2. Under Patrons, select the Display patron pictures checkbox.
  3. Click Save.