Supplements (Resource Manager)

You can add supplements (Resource Kits and Teacher's Editions) to textbook resources. When you add:

  • teacher’s editions your titles you can search, check out, and report on teacher’s editions separately.
  • resource kits to your titles you can search for, check out, and track resource kits.

Note: If you have one or more Textbook Manager installations in the district, the Textbooks template is not available.

important  The Supplements (Resource Manager) tab and Supplement Details tab are only available for resources that use the Textbooks template.

To add supplements

  1. If you are not on the Resource Search page, then follow the steps in the blue bar with white letters (above).
  2. Search for a resource from the Textbook template.
  3. Find the resource you want, then click Details.
  4. To add supplements to the textbook resource, click Supplements.
  1. Select a supplement.
  2. Make selections accordingly, then click Go!.
  3. Find the supplement you want, then click Details.
  • To save, click Save Title. The Supplement Details tab appears. See Supplement Details.
  • To add an item, click Add Item. The Add Item page appears. Populate as needed, then click Save.