Retrieve WebPath Express™ Statistics

The WebPath Express Statistics report lets you examine the topics viewed most often by your patrons in WebPath Express. The report includes topics your patrons browsed to and searched for in WebPath Express or Library Search.

You can view the search terms that produced results, those that did not, or both.

You can limit the report to topics that patrons searched for, browsed to, or viewed with Visual Search or Follett Destiny Quest®. You can also limit the report by patron type and by date range.

Note To change the length of time that Destiny® stores your search term data, see the Store search statistics data setting on the Catalog tab of Site Configuration.

To generate the report

  1. In the For list, select the type of search for which you want the terms. To include all types, leave the list at Any.
  2. Choose to view the search terms that produced results, those that did not, or both.
  3. To limit the report by Patron Type, click Update to select them.
    When limiting by Patron Type, the report does not include any statistics for searches performed by patrons who are not logged in.
  4. In the Show the top list, select the number of terms you want in the report.
  5. To limit the report to search terms entered during a certain time frame, select or enter a date range. Click the calendar icon for a calendar.
    The earliest date you can enter appears beneath the date boxes.
    • You can leave both boxes blank to include all of the stored information.
    • If you leave the From box blank and enter a date in the to box, the report includes the information from the earliest date up to and including the date in the to box.
    • If you enter a date in the From box and leave the to box blank, the report includes the information from that date up to today.
    • If you enter the same date in both boxes, the report is limited to that one date.
  6. To generate the report, click Run Report.

What information does the report include?

The report lists the top terms and topics and the number of times each was used, in descending order. It also includes a total for the number of searches.

If you are a district cataloger or reporter, you can generate this report to show total statisitcs across the entire district.

If you apply any limiters, they appear at the top of the report. For example, Top 10 Keyword Searches without results.

Submit suggestions to WebPath Express

After running the report for searches without results, you can submit any or all of the terms as suggestions for new WebPath Express entries. This can help ensure that your patrons are finding what they need in WebPath Express.

To submit new topic suggestions

  1. Select the check box for each topic you want to suggest.
    To select all topics, click the select all icon.
    To clear all topics, click the clear all icon.
  2. Click Submit. Destiny® automatically creates an email containing your suggested topics and customer number.
  3. Next to Your Email, enter your email address.
  4. Click Send.

Your suggestions will be evaluated for inclusion in WebPath Express.

Does Destiny store all search terms?

Destiny stores the following terms, the number of times used, and whether or not they produced results:

  • A term searched for or browsed to in WebPath Express.
  • A refined term that is different from the original term entered.
  • A Did you mean? suggestion on which a patron clicks Go!.

Destiny stores the terms for local searches only.

The data storage is case-insensitive. A term appears on the report with the capitalization of the first instance of the term.

For example, if patrons entered the term bears three different ways—bEARS, bears, and BEARS—the report displays the first capitalization scheme:

Search   Number of Searches
bEARS   3