Set Up Patron Types (Textbook Manager)

Patron types are associated with circulation policies. You can group patron types, such as students and faculty.

The patron types you set up appear when Destiny displays information, exports patron records, edits patrons and generates reports.

Important: You can set up patron types in Library Manager and Textbook Manager. If both products are installed, the setup is shared.

To set up patron types:

  1. Select Admin > Textbook Policies > Patron Types sub-tab.
  2. Click Add Patron Type.
  3. In the Patron Type field, enter the name of the new patron type.
  4. To make this patron type the default when you import a patron record that does not have one, select the Make this the default checkbox.
  5. Click Save.

When you have your patron types set up, you need to assign your patrons to a type in Admin > Manage Patrons, Circulation > Patron Status or globally in Admin > Update Patrons.