Generate Consortium Statistics Reports

Super Administrators can use Report Builder to create and save a custom high-level summary of the consortium's patron and circulation data in Destiny. It shows:

  • The number of Destiny patrons
  • The numbers of materials that are currently checked out or overdue
  • The number of items the district owns and their cost
  • Unpaid fine amounts

To generate a report:

  1. Log in as the Super Administrator.
  2. Select Setup > Reports sub-tab.
  3. Next to Report Builder, click New Report.
  4. On the New Report page, confirm that Statistics appears in the drop-down and click Next button..

Complete the following steps to build the report. When you complete each step, click Next button. to move to the next step. If you change your mind about any selections, you can return to the previous step by clicking Previous button..

For step-by-step instructions, see Create Custom Reports with Destiny's Report Builder.

Related Content

For information – including Quick Reference Guides (QRGs) and videos – about custom reports and Report Builder, see Reports & Fines (Library Manager) and Reports (Resource Manager).