List possible duplicate titles

Destiny® determined that this incoming record has the same title, author, and material type as a record already in your collection.

This page lists both the incoming record and the first match found. You can review them and select the best one.

  1. Evaluate the title records to determine which one you want to retain. To help you in selecting the best record, click Details to review the record for each.
  2. Once you determine the best record, select its Best title option to preserve it.
  3. Click Merge.

Destiny adds the ISBNs and any copy information in the other MARC record to the Best title. If the existing title record contains any 10-digit ISBNs, Destiny converts them to the 13-digit number.

In addition, any local tags in the other MARC record are added to the Best title. If any of these additions are duplicates of those already in the best title, the fields are merged. This includes the following:

  • 521
  • 526
  • 590-599
  • 658
  • 690-699 (including site-specific subjects—those with Destiny® (<site ID>) in subfield _5)
  • 790-799
  • 856
  • 900-939
  • 941-999

Destiny then deletes the other MARC record.

This process leaves you with the Best title record that contains all the ISBNs, all the copy records, and all the local tags, if any.