Set up call number patterns

If you are importing copies that contain call numbers (852_k, _h, _i, _m), you can assign Circulation Types to those copies based on their call numbers, instead of selecting one particular Circulation Type.

For example, if the import file contains both fiction books with a call number prefix of FIC, and reference volumes with a call number prefix of REF, you can assign the Regular and the Non-circulating Circulation Types, respectively.

To do this, you need to associate the call number patterns with your Circulation Types. A call number pattern consists of a call number, or a range of call numbers that start with the same letters and/or numbers.

After defining your Circulation Type/Call number pattern associations, Import Titles can assign the correct Circulation Types to the copies.

Note: If the incoming records already have Circulation Types (852_xFSC@a), the import does not overwrite them.

To define your Call Number Patterns, open Update Call Number Patterns from either of the following pages:

  • Click Edit on this Call Number Pattern Mappings page.
  • From the Circulation Types tab of Library Policies on the Admin tab, click the edit icon adjacent to a Circulation Type, and then click Call Number.