Search for digital resources

Digital Resources enables you to search for both locally cataloged resources and those available through Follett's Digital Resources Service.

note If you are a district cataloger, your search results do not include resources from the Digital Resources Service or Media Manager resources.

To find digital resources

Select the providers you would like to search, enter your search term, and then click Search.

To select all the check boxes, click the select all icon.
To clear all the check boxes, click the clear all icon.

Can I use wildcards or the Boolean AND, OR, NOT operators?

You can replace any number of letters at the end of a word with an asterisk (*). However, the asterisk cannot be used as a word's first or second letter or have any letters after it.

You can use a question mark (?) to replace a single letter. You can use more than one question mark in a word, but not in place of the first or last letter.

You can create a search phrase from several distinct words or terms with Boolean operators between them.

Because Destiny® performs a Boolean AND search by default, you do not need to add AND between search words. Adding the OR operator, however, can widen your search. Adding the NOT operator can narrow your search.

Is the search case-sensitive?

The search is not case-sensitive.
For example, searches for Cave Of Lascaux, cave of lascaux, or CAVE OF LASCAUX all return the same results.

What about word variations?

Destiny does not search for words that stem from your search term.
For example, searches for pilot, pilots, or piloting may each result in a different list of search results.