Track Resource Orders (Site)

As a site-level user, use the Track sub-tab on the Resource Orders page to process and manage orders, and view order progress.

Track sub-tab of the Resource Orders page.

Note: You can also access the Resource Orders page through the Processing Needed page (click Processing Needed icon.). Click View next to any resource order type that is ready to process.

Add New Order

You can order resources on the New Order page.

  1. Select Catalog > Resource Orders > Track sub-tab.
  2. Click Add New Order. The New Order page appears.

For more steps to complete a new order, see Submit a Resource Order.

View Orders

  1. Select Catalog > Resource Orders > Track sub-tab. At the site, resource orders can be in one of six statuses (sections):
    • Unsent: An order that the originating site has saved but not yet sent to the warehouse. Also, if a submitted order was revived by either the originating site or the warehouse for further editing or review, the order status returns to Unsent.
    • Submitted: The order has been received by the warehouse and is awaiting disposition (approval, denial, return).
    • Denied: The submitted order was denied by the warehouse.
    • On Order: The submitted order was approved and is awaiting processing and shipment.
    • Backordered: The submitted order contained requested item quantities that were larger than the available stock in the warehouse.
    • Shipped: Ordered items have been shipped to the requesting site.
  2. In any of the status sections, you can view the progress of an order. You can also add or view notes for any order in any status.

View Notes on an Order

You can create notes to attach to resource orders in any section by viewing (View icon.) the order. To view notes from the Resource Orders page, click the View Note View or Add Note icon. icon.

Add or View Notes

You can also view and add notes from the Order Details on various pages. Click the Add/View Note View or Add Note icon. link. For steps to add or view a note, see Add or View Note.

Note: You can only add eSignatures notes with the Follett Destiny® VersaScan or the Destiny Back Office app.

View or Delete an Unsent Order

In the Unsent section, click View icon. to view the order; click Delete icon. to remove it. For more details, see Manage an Unsent Order.

View or Revive a Submitted Order

For an existing, submitted order, you can revive it to remove or add items to it. Reviving an order returns it to your site and places it in the Unsent section.

Find the order in the Submitted section, and then click Edit icon.. The Submitted Order page appears. See Manage a Submitted Order.

You also receive alerts when orders have been shipped and are ready to receive. To view an alert for a shipped order that can be received:

  1. Click Processing Needed icon. at the top of the page. The Processing Needed page appears.
  2. Click View next to the Resource Orders Shipments to process: # line.

View or Delete a Denied Order

In the Denied section, click View icon. to view the order; click Delete icon. to remove it.

Important: Destiny does not issue a warning before removing a denied order.

For more information, see View Denied Orders.

View an Approved Order

When orders are approved, they appear in the On Order section before they are shipped. In the On Order section, click View icon. to view an order. The On Order page appears. See View an Existing Order.

View a Backorder

When items have been backordered at the warehouse, you can see if the order is awaiting items or if some of them have shipped.

  • To view an order awaiting backordered items, find it in the Backordered section, and then click View icon.. The Order Details page appears. See View Order Details.
  • To view shipments for an order with backordered items, find the order in the Backordered section, and then clickView Shipments.. The View Shipments page appears. See Manage Shipments.

Manage an Order Shipment

You can view or receive items from a shipment.

  • To view a shipment, find the order in the Shipped section, and then clickView icon.. The Order Details page appears. See View Order Details.
  • To receive items from a shipment, find the order in the Shipped section, and then click View Shipments.. The View Shipments page appears. See Manage Shipments.

    Note: Click the Archive sub-tab to view completed orders.

Customize the Page Content

You can choose the information displayed on the page by selecting the Order Resource details in Customize View.

  • Use the View Orders created fields to see orders created during the selected range of dates.
  • Use the Limit to orders tracking handling eSignatures checkbox to see only orders with eSignatures.
  • Use the Display checkboxes to see orders with the selected statuses.